Professional Marble Polishing, Marble Cleaning, Marble Sealing, Marble Repair.

 Contact our team - Donovan 021792498 or Steve 021665713

Lustre offers a wide range of services which we provide for the protection, restoration and maintenance of many types of interior and exterior, hard vertical and horizontal surfaces.

Lustre are the DryTreat Agents and Clearstone Agents in New Zealand.


Determining the correct initial and maintenance treatments for hard surfaces is a specialised area of service, due to the vast number and variety of ceramic and porcelain tiles, concrete, natural stone, marble and granite etc.


We provide a wide range of technical and practical solutions for the rectification and protection of hard surfaces that have sustained damage due to penetration, abrasion and other types of visual and physical damage. 

To date a large number of damaged surfaces are deemed to be a ‘write off’ and are replaced at considerable cost to the insurer but our experience shows that 80-90% of these ‘write offs’ could be rectified. Due to our specialised knowledgeable, expertise and methods of rectification is done at a lower cost to replacement and customer satisfaction is guaranteed.

Lustre Ltd can provide you with an obligation free quotations, as well as technical advice to assist you with decision making. 

We look forward to the opportunity of meeting personally with you to discuss your requirements and expand on the services we can provide.

Please contact us to make a no obligation appointment with a Lustre representative. To ensure the best possible standard of customer satisfaction and communication our specialists meet personally on site with every client to formally assess their needs in the first instance and develop an itemized proposal and quotation detailing the recommended procedure.